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Potatoes are stem tubers and are considered a starchy vegetable. potatoes contain vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They’re rich in vitamin C, which is an antioxidant. Potatoes were a life-saving food source in early times because the vitamin C prevented scurvy. Another major nutrient in potatoes is potassium, an electrolyte which aids in the workings of our heart, muscles, and nervous system. Potato skin contains fiber, which is important for digestive health.

Cooking Oil
Soybean oil is a common cooking oil that contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. It has many health benefits Soybean oil is considered heart-healthy because of its high levels of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. It also contains polyunsaturated fats that can help lower cholesterol. Soybean oil may help promote skin health. Soybean oil may help prevent bone loss.

Basmati Rice (1121)
Basmati Rice (1121) is a semi-dwarf rice variety with a plant height ranging from 110 to 120 cm (Fig. 3a). It has a seed to seed maturity of 140–145 days in the Basmati growing regions of India. Basmati 1121 is an independently derived Basmati rice variety, evolved through the process of hybridization over a long breeding process. It holds the world record for highest kernel elongation on cooking.

Egg, the content of thehard-shelled reproductive body produced by a bird, considered as food.One Egg has 6 grams of the stuff, with all nine “essential” amino acids, the building blocks of protein. That’s important because those are the ones your body can’t make by itself. The egg white holds about half that protein and only a small portion of the fat and cholesterol.

Green Chili
Green chillies are hollow, and the pith and seeds are the hottest part. Green chillies have a different flavour to other coloured chillies. Chilli heat is related to capsaicin content and measured in scoville units. Capsaicin is the chilli component that irritates your skin and eyes, but it also has medicinal benefits, including Analgesic properties.

ONION is a comprehensive system Designed to increase the productivity and fitness of distinct communities within the agroecosystem, including soil organisms, plants, livestock, and people. The prime goal of organic Production is to ensure healthy Vegetable growth organic onions can be grown outdoor, indoors, in Greenhouse, polyhouse.

Sugar is a term that includes all sweet carbohydrates, although the term is most often used to describe sucrose or table sugar, a ‘double sugar’. The body breaks down carbohydrates into simple sugars such as glucose, that can be readily used in the body.Sugar is not only beneficial for health but is considered effective for skin.

Coffee is one of the three most popular beverages in the world (alongside water and tea) and one of the most profitable international commodities. Though coffee is the basis for an endless array of beverages, including espresso, cappuccinos, mochas, and lattes, its popularity is mainly attributed to its invigorating effect, which is produced by caffeine, an alkaloid present in coffee.

Broiler chicken
Broiler chickens are raised in large, open structures called houses, where they roam, explore, eat, and commune with other chickens.These chickens are typically white, and are bred specifically for optimal health and size to produce a quality product for the consumer. Some (including free-range chickens) have varying access to the outdoors, based on farmer preference.

pomegranate is the crown jewel of the fruit world. For thousands of years, the pomegranate has been celebrated by different cultures and civilizations around the world; it appears in ancient myths and religious traditions.The pomegranate has also been hailed as a superfruit for its significant nutritional and medicinal properties that are used traditionally to treat conditions from digestive disorders to heart disease.